Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A Tanzania Success Story

Of the many African coffees roasted in our shop, Tanzanian Ruvuma has a loyal following of folks that wait patiently for "a good year". We have seen truly worthy Ruvuma once every two to three years, and I always hear the laments when this great bean is unavailable due to inconstant cup quality after a wet harvest season.

Geographically, Tanzania claims Mount Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti National Park, the Selous Game Reserve (reportedly the largest in Africa with over 50,000 elephants), a lush coastal strip and the emerald isle of Zanzibar. It is bordered by Kenya, Mozambique, Zaire, Burundi, and Rwanda, with the Indian Ocean to the east.

Tanzanian Ruvuma coffee is grown on the volcanic soils of its southernmost region. Until recently farmers usually picked the coffee early to pay debts. It was processed at home using hand-pulpers, buckets and dirty water, then dried on the ground.

Pulperies were built in the early 1960's and again in the 1980's, but by the 1990's almost all had fallen idle. Working with villagers, a pair of entrepreneurs by the name of Satish Soochak and Alexander Mapunda invested in rehabilitating neglected pulperies and building new ones. Others have followed their lead and Mbinga (Ruvuma) coffee is now appreciated by buyers around the world.

Farmers that use modern pulping mills are paid more than the home-processed price for their cherry. In return, they are expected to take greater care in the harvesting of their coffee. If the season is a profitable one, they get a bonus.


4 Pack Samplers NOW $26.00 For a Limited Time!
Try your roaster's favorite 4 coffees!
Today's 2lb. sampler contains these seasonal specialties:

1/2lb Peruvian FT Organic Ccocepampa
1/2lb Tanzania Ruvuma Peaberry
1/2lb Ethiopian Natural Sidamo
1/2lb Mexican Pluma Tres Oros

New coffee received 9/08/2008!


New Coffee Availability List:

Peruvian FT Organic Ccocepampa
Received 9/08/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
Peru Organic, Fair Trade, Shade Grown
Ccochapampa is in the Cuzco region of south-central Peru and is comprised of 150 small family farms. Sold under the Fair Trade umbrella organization of COCLA, this coffee cooperative is located east of the Incan city of Machu Picchu and is comprised of more than 25% women, who pass on their agricultural skills and knowledge from generation to generation.

This is an exceptional Peruvian coffee with body that is silky smooth, solid and dense; like fresh cut oak that hits you with the first sip. The cup has wonderful chocolate and nut aromas. It's bittersweet with a spicy herbal essence and a slightly earthy edge.

Guatemalan Huehuetanango El Injertal
Received 9/08/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
At an elevation of over a mile high, El Injertal is a third generation family farm located in the Huehuetenango region of western Guatemala. Favorable tropic growing conditions have produced another outstanding bean. We experienced a creamy, almond-like cup, with hints of milk chocolate. Subtle caramel notes accentuate this popular Central American coffee complete with a light syrupy finish.

Whenever I'm asked to recommend the most popular coffee in the shop, we recommend Guatemalan coffee. Well known for perfect balance of body and acidity, Guats perform well in any coffee machine. This coffee is also my favorite for iced coffee - remember to freeze your morning leftovers into coffee cubes!

Tanzania Ruvuma Peaberry
Received 9/08/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
Tanzania is the world's largest producer of exceptional sun dried peaberry coffees. Coffees from Ruvuma province are grown between the Mozambique border and the eastern shore of Lake Malawion on the volcanic soils of Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru. Farmers Using the modern pulping mills are paid more than the prevailing home-processed price for their cherry. This is despite the fact that they do not have the work of processing at home. In return, they are expected to take greater care in tending their coffee and in particular to their harvesting of it. They are also paid a bonus if the season is a profitable one.

This great Tanzania coffee exhibits intense flavors of bright lemon, cherry and a floral-toned honey sweetness with thick, full syrupy body that finishes with hints of cedar and cinnamon.

Sumatra Mandeling
Received 9/08/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
Mandheling is the Indonesian ethnic group most involved in coffee production in the South Tapanuli region of Indonesia. Traditional Sumatra coffee sports a heavy body that is well known for its excellent balance and acidity. Most often it is the picking, preparation and processing that determines the character of a fine Sumatra coffee.

Heavy, dark, musky, earthy - Sumatra drinkers are looking for the big flavor punch. This Sumatra is a superb coffee, very clean and powerful, with no imperfections whatsoever in the green beans or the roasted flavor.


New Decaf Availability List:

Guatemalan Decaf Huehuetanango
Received 9/08/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
Our Guatemalan Water Processed Decaf is produced from the same high grown Huehuetanango coffee roasted here in the shop. True to its origin, this is an intensely complex coffee, while still medium in body. There are days I honestly can not taste the difference between this Decaf and its caffeinated counterpart. Simply stunning quality!

Sidamo Natural Decaf
Received 8/25/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
Natural coffee from Africa has a sweet, fruity fresh taste. This is a Water Processed Sidamo Decaf with all the sweetness of natural sun dried African. Anyone familiar with our other Natural African coffees will recognize the familiar quality immediately! Very similar to the Red Sea Decaf served last year, or the Harar we roasted just last month. I would recommend every decaf drinker give this a try while it's available!

Brazilian Royal Select Decaf
Received 8/25/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
This Brazilian Decaf is a wonderful counterpart to our current Brazilian. Subtle flavors of chocolate and fruit lend themselves to wonderfully sweet aromas that rise from your cup. Royal Select Water Processed Decaf is a truly enjoyable South American Coffee.


The more you know about who grows your coffee and where, the more reasons you have to enjoy its taste. One of our early company goals was to have a positive effect in the lives of our growers. With this bean and with your support we have a great opportunity to do so. If you want an exquisite and rare African coffee, Tanzania Ruvuma is your cup.


I believe in delivering quality service and a stunning product. As always, orders of two pounds receive FREE SHIPPING. Orders received before 1:00pm will be roasted to order and shipped while still warm. THANK YOU for your patronage and support!


Roasting and delivering the most unique specialty coffees in the world has been my pleasure for years. Your email and phone calls are a constant reminder of how our standards serve your needs and exceed your expectations. I look forward to serving you for years to come.

Contact our support team - Help@OldBisbeeRoasters.com

Call our our ordering desk toll free 866.432.5063,
or call 520.432.5063 to speak with me personally at any time.

--Seth Appell - your personal coffee roaster!
"a gentleman is always ready to serve coffee at a moment's notice"