Sunday, December 03, 2006

'Tis the week before Christmas

'Tis the week before Christmas shipping!

Give the gift of fresh roast from Old Bisbee Roasters, and we will include a FREE gift certificate worth $6.00

Each pound of fresh roast will be custom labeled to your friends and include a card from you, and a FREE $6.00 gift certificate from Old Bisbee Roasters.

To include a personal message on your gift card, simply type your sentiments in the text box on your shopping cart.

For this years holiday season you will recognize we are featuring the best coffee selected from our favorites of 2006.

I've salted away a generous quantity of the amazing Salvidor Pulp Natural, the first bean we have received from Central America dried "in the fruit".

I'll be roasting the brilliant washed African Sidamo, with it's lemony citrus snap and sweet velvet finish.

This offering includes the most outstanding Indonesian Sumatra of the year, selected for it's long thick cup and stunning sweet finish.

And now, Hot New coffee links!


New Central American Coffee:

El Salvador "Pulp Natural" Santa Isabel
Received 12/01/2006

Here's the most stunning Salvidor from Santa Isabel. While you may be familiar with our standard Salvidor coffee, this is a completely different experience! "Pulp Natural" describes the drying process, where the sweet fruit pulp is left to dry with the bean until the final milling takes place. This produces a sweet fruity cup unlike any other Central American - and NOTHING like any Salvidor coffee I've ever tasted. Get your mouth ready for something new!

Peruvian FT Organic Cepicafe Co-Op
Grower Certified Organic, Fair Trade
Received 12/01/2006

A classic Peruvian Fair Trade Organic coffee from the Cepicafe Co-Op. With the essence of dark chocolate roasted from exotic cacao, this solid South American coffee is a clean hard bean with smooth solid character.

Guatemalan Antigua Volcanes
Received 12/01/2006

Sweet Guatemalan coffee with a complex cup of flavors found only in the highest grown Central American coffee. Excellent dark cherry flavors, bittersweet chocolate and a touch of smoke. This is the best Guatemalan of 2006, a rich, deep, complex cup.

New African Coffee:

Organic Washed Sidamo
Grower Certified Organic

Received 12/01/2006

Our favorite African Sidamo of 2006 is incredibly light, sweet and fruity, fulled with citrus. Deeply lemon, this washed coffee is smooth and creamy, sweet and delightful to cup. Coffee from Sidamo can be Washed or "natural" - Washed coffees are creamy and uniform, having been sorted and prepped using water baths.

Kenya Peaberry
Received 12/01/2006

Thick, sweet African syrup. A small round bean, the Peaberry may be considered the most unusual coffee for it's shape as well as the touch of extra spice you will notice in your cup. Our most spectacular Kenya of 2006 has a "lemony" body with a dark caramel, malted sugar "blackstrap Molasses" finish.

New Indonesian Coffee:

Sumatra Blue Mandheling FT Organic
Grower Certified Organic, Fair Trade
Received 12/01/2006

Our most outstanding Sumatra of 2006 displays the classic musked drying practice of traditional Sumatra, while incorporating a distinct sharp sweet finish found in the semi-washed Gayoland coffee. I present to you the finest Traditional Sumatra of 2006 - a truly award winning coffee IMHO.

Timor Maubes FT Organic
Grower Certified Organic, Fair Trade
Received 12/01/2006

Our highest quality Indonesian Timor, this Fair Trade Organic from Maubes is the cleanest, mellowest of the Indonesian coffee offerings. you will find this an exciting new twist on the usual earthy, heavy Indonesian beans. Most interesting is the sweet butterscotch syrup finish of this cup.

New Decaf Coffee:

Selected by our importers at Royal Coffee, Our Decaf is Water Processed by Descaffeinadores Mexicanos S.A de C.V., Veracruz Mexico -

Sumatra Natural Decaf
Received 12/01/2006

A traditionally dried, musky Sumatra, water processing "cleans up" the cup to deliver a unique Indonesian coffee that is shocking, heavy and unmistakably Indonesian in it's earthy body. Trying this new coffee is an absolute must for the discriminating Decaf Aficionado.

Ethiopian Natural Decaf
Received 12/01/2006

Our Ethiopian decaf begins it's life as a "natural" African Harar - a sun dried ripe coffee with a sharp sweet wine-like cup. After selecting this coffee for it's unmistakable quality we ship it to Vericruz Mexico to become Mountain Water Process Decaf. This Ethiopian coffee is delightfully full of flavor and will satisfy you like no other - An exceptional choice!


Each of the new coffees in the shop this month are familiar favorites from the year 2006, so you can select your gifts with confidence.

In order for us to roast and deliver your gifts of coffee in time for the holidays, we ask that you please place your orders by Friday, December 15th. During this busy holiday season, this allows one week for the US Post office to complete the delivery of your gifts!

It's always a pleasure to receive your calls, please contact Old Bisbee Roasters toll free 866.432.5063, or call me at my home 520.227.5437 at any time with any questions at all.

--Seth Appell - your personal coffee roaster!
"a gentleman is always ready to serve coffee at a moment's notice"