Friday, January 26, 2007

The Roots of American Coffee!

Choosing from a huge selection of South American coffee,
here is a select handful that make up our top picks.

Orders for 2lb. Sample Packs contain
my selection for this month's favorites:

1/2lb. Bolivia FT Organic Cenaproc
1/2lb. Colombian Supremo Huila Valencia
1/2lb. Brazil Mogiana Cocapec
1/2lb. Flores Bajawa

New coffee received 1/25/2007!


New Latin American Coffee:

Bolivia Fair Trade Organic Cenaproc
Received 1/25/2007

Our first taste of Bolivian coffee! This coffee is in extremely short supply. Medium bodied, with a distinct liquorish cup. I grabbed 462 kilos of this unusual coffee. This will not last long - half was delivered today and the other half will be delivered in three weeks. Here's your chance to try something rare.

Colombian Supremo Huila Valencia
Received 1/25/2007

Sweet caramel balanced with a soft buttery finish. This Colombian is an outstanding medium bodied cup, clean and bright. Judged the best Colombian coffee at the hight of season by our importers, this Colombian exemplifies "specialty Coffee" from a country best known for commercial grade and quantity.
Now available in DECAF!

Nicaragua Placeres Estate
Received 1/25/2007
A wonderfully balanced coffee. Smooth, classic Central American coffee, this coffee roasts to a beautiful golden finish, producing a surprisingly mild, creamy cup. Flavors are soft and subtle, nutty and cinnamon. There is a rather fine and tea-like quality to this coffee.

Brazil Mogiana Cocapec
Received 1/25/2007

Our traditional Brazilian Mogiana, a Sharp, sweet cup of earthy black velvet. This is a component of espresso blends that makes an outstanding coffee in it's own right. Brazil coffee is a shocker - an explosive cup of joe that's not for the faint of heart! Brazilian coffee is hard-core, heavy duty stuff.

New Indonesian Coffee:

Flores Bajawa
Received 1/25/2007

Flores is an island in the Indonesian archipelago, located between Java and Timor. The coffee is sweet, full bodied and Java-like. This coffee produces a black cup of sweet liquorice, very clean and thick and syrupy. I was informed this was an extremely rare opportunity, almost certainly a "one time buy" of this exotic rare coffee.

Sumatra Grade 1 Mandheling
Received 1/25/2007

Traditionally dried Indonesian with a lot of body and distinct Sumatra character. Unmistakably musky and earthy, this is the boldest of the bold. Why ask for "French Roast" when you can order up an amazing Sumatra like this?

New Water Process Decaf:

Colombian Water Proccess Decaf
Received 1/25/2007

Clean, super bright, Colombian coffee with a buttery, caramel essence. Almond highlights with a roasted nuttiness. This Colombian is a fine example of an outstanding medium bodied coffee.

We are serving this distinguished Decaf side-by-side with our new delivery of Colombian Supremo Huila Valencia. Enjoy the very best Colombian we have to offer this year, Decaf or regular - your choice!


This month we return to the mainstay of coffee culture,
high quality South American coffee. Include one in your next order,
and savor the roots of American coffee drinking.

It's always a pleasure to receive your calls, please contact Old Bisbee Roasters toll free 866.432.5063, or call me at my home 520.227.5437 at any time with any questions at all.

--Seth Appell - your personal coffee roaster!
"a gentleman is always ready to serve coffee at a moment's notice"