Friday, November 10, 2006

Unusual New "Pulp Natural" Brazil

Unusual New "Pulp Natural" Brazil coffee!

Viewing our coffee "en-route"
Last week I enjoyed the extraordinary pleasure of visiting Royal Coffee, our green coffee importers in San Francisco. While I am anxious to share my experiences with you, I feel this is hardly the place or the time. I did return home with a wealth of photographs around which I will be able to write a more complete description of my visit.

My special thanks to Alex Mason, and the entire Royal Coffee family and crew. Without the help and support of Royal Coffee Importers, We would not enjoy the quality of coffee we roast today.

And now, Hot New coffee links!


New Central American Coffee:

Brazil Pulp Natural Organic Mogiana
Grower Certified Organic Received 11/09/2006

I've just been completely shocked by an unusual cup of Brazilian!

I was unprepared for just how sweet and soft and sweet this coffee proved to be. Think of a delicate cup of Brazilian fruit with a taste of Carmel-pudding. What makes this an unusual coffee from Brazil is the fact that it is another pulped natural. These small, irregular beans have been sun dried on the coffee bush before picking. Results? An intensely sweet and unusually fruity cup of hand picked Brazilian coffee...

Colombian FT Organic De la Loma
Grower Certified Organic, Fair Trade Received 11/09/2006

Here's an unusual offering of clean, super bright yet subtle, Colombian coffee. This is without a doubt the highest-quality Colombian I have ever roasted. We have 300 lbs. to enjoy, and there's no more. Had I understood how good this green was, I would have tried to "back up the truck" before it was gone. I'm sure this will be out of stock within 10 days, and there will be no more this year.

El Salvador Santa Rita
Received 11/09/2006

Salvador coffee from Santa Rita is back on the shelf!

This coffee sets the standard by which I judge all Salvador coffees, sharp strong and earthy, extremely dry with a distinct black pepper finish. I have always considered this the cigar smoker’s coffee, and this lot is no exception.

New African Coffee:

Organic Washed Sidamo
Grower Certified Organic Received 11/09/2006

Our newest African Sidamo is incredibly light, sweet and fruity, fulled with citrus. Deeply lemon, this washed coffee is smooth and creamy, sweet and delightful to cup. Coffee from Sidamo can be Washed or "natural" - Washed coffees are creamy and uniform, having been sorted and prepped using water baths.

New Indonesian Coffee:

Sumatra Grade 1 Mandheling
Received 11/09/2006

Our Sumatra for this month is strong earthy syrup, distinctly Indonesian and traditionally dried. If you are enjoying last month's Sumatra, you will find this one slightly less earthy, somewhat softer in nature. If you've been drinking Sumatra for some time, you'll no doubt notice that each month's offerings embody subtle differences.

New Decaf Coffee:

Costa Rica Water Process Decaf
Received 11/09/2006

Are you ready for a new decaf?
Classic Costa Rican coffee, light, slightly citrus with a hint of Carmel. This is by far the softest, sweetest most exquisite Costa Rican coffee, decaffeinated by water process in Veracruz Mexico.

An amazing quality Costa Rican coffee selected by our importers at Royal Coffee, Our Decaf is Water Processed by Descaffeinadores Mexicanos S.A de C.V., Veracruz Mexico


We are beginning to receive e-mails and phone calls about handmade chocolate!

Yes we are beginning to build chocolate and yes, it is still rather warm in southern Arizona!

Before another week goes by I should have the chocolate selection added to the web site. Temperatures need to fall that last 5°, allowing me to bubble wrap and ship chocolates shortly before Thanksgiving.

It's always a pleasure to receive your calls, please contact Old Bisbee Roasters toll free 866.432.5063, or call me at my home 520.227.5437 at any time with any questions at all.

--Seth Appell - your personal coffee roaster!
"a gentleman is always ready to serve coffee at a moment's notice"