Saturday, July 08, 2006

A new Look for Old Bisbee Roasters!

In order to help make ordering coffees from Old Bisbee Roasters more enjoyable and efficient for the large number of new customers we have met this year, I've moved into a completely secure and professionally hosted shopping cart.

You will be asked to sign in again as a new customer and put in your address again, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

Your comments will determine if this is to be our permanent home on the web for a long time to come.

I would really appreciate your feedback. It's a little confusing to log in for your first order. This is NOT the old site, and you will have to create a new user ID and password.

We are roasting a new crop of African Coffees this month. Along with our stash of Red Sea, you will Find a smooth Washed Yirgacheffe and a wild Organic Natural Sidamo. Our Central American coffees are solid as expected - Guatemala Huehuetanango is center stage once again.

I was offered a single 150lbs. of a fine African Kenya Peaberry this month. I love Kenya coffee, and so I brought the green bean home. While 150 lbs. is not enough to offer on the website (it would be sold out in three days) I have decided to offer it exclusively to our Roasters Club members. Just another reason to join the Roasters Choice Club if you have not done so already. Scheduled deliveries of the best roasts in the shop - what's not to love?

I've also brought in a wonderful new Decaf, Sulawesi Royal Select Water Process. Earthy, musky, Sumatra like, yet brighter than a Sumatra. I'm impressed with this Decaf, however the trucking company drove a fork lift though both bags on the pallet (they where on the bottom) and so I'm going to make sure the Roasters Club Decaf drinkers get this first. I recall this was a limited selection at my importers, so do give it a try right away.

THIS WEEKS NEW COFFEES Received 7/05/2006

Red Sea Blend - 300lbs.
$12.00 per pound Received 7/05/2006
Blended by our Importers at Royal coffee, this is an extremely sweet, fruity sharp African blend. Wine-like Ethiopian Harar, Mocha Yemen Sinani and Ethiopian Yergacheffe are combined in equal parts to create this coffee. Highly Recommended!

Organic Natural Sidamo - 300 lbs.
$12.00 per pound Received 7/05/2006
Wild, wonderful African Coffee. This coffee is not only delightful to drink, it's wonderful to roast and fun to look at. Natural coffees are often un-screened, and contain beans of different shapes and sizes. Sharp, sweet and refreshing lighter bodied African with a delightful "Calico" colored roast. This coffee ROCKS!

Ethiopian Washed Yirgacheffe - 300lbs.
$12.00 per pound Received 7/05/2006
Smooth, soft, floral African coffee with a distinctive "European Prep" that gives this coffee consistently great results in the roaster. Almost buttery, this coffee is mild and amazing.

Costa Rican Monte Crisol -200lbs
$12.00 per pound Received 7/05/2006
More of this exceptional coffee was delivered to the shop. Sweet and sharp with a distinct Citrus "Snap" and a clean finish. It's a wonder we don't sell out of this coffee sooner - Have you noticed that there are no other Costa Rican coffees in my shop? It's been explained that there are simply no other Costa's this outstanding. I guess we're spoiled!

Guatemalan Huehuetanango from the MAM co-op. -300lbs.
$12.00 per pound Received 7/05/2006
Here's the classic sharp, complex Medium bodied coffee that has attitude! This is always one of the most popular coffees in the shop. I believe this may be the height of season for this coffee, the flavor is classic Guatemala, as good as it gets in any year.

Panama SHB Panamaria from Casa Ruez -300lbs.
$12.00 per pound Received 7/05/2006
Don't forget this wonderful coffee! Casa Ruez has produced a smooth, round, full bodied coffee with a medium finish that is the perfect example of a classic Central American coffee. Floral highlights and a smooth finish, this coffee is much less "forward" and snappy then the Guatemalan coffees, more like a high quality Colombian for it's simple good nature.

Sumatra Blue Mandheling -300lbs.
$12.00 per pound Received 7/05/2006
This month's offering from Sumatra has less of a "musk", and more of the solid Indonesian body found in a "clean" coffee. Dry and earthy, this is no sweet lightweight coffee! If you 've been drinking Sumatra with me this year, we have run the full spectrum, from thick sweet syrup to heavily musked dirty earth. This is a lighter, more easy going version of a great classic.

Sulawesi Royal Select Water Process Decaf -150lbs.
$12.00 per pound Received 7/05/2006
This is a wonderful change from the African Decaf coffees, and there should have been more delivered. Unfortunately it was lost in shipping. I do recall there was no more to be had at my importers, so it's a brief treat for you. Earthy, deep and musky, cleaner than Sumatra and richer with more body than any decaf roasted here in years. Enjoy!

Creating the new website has been a challenge, and I hope your experience is clean and productive. Please give me all the feedback you can. Your first order may prove to be the most confusing, as you have to login as a new customer for your first order. After the first time, your shopping experience should be smooth. If there's any problems, I need to hear from you.
Thanks and take care!

--Seth Appell - your personal coffee roaster! "a gentleman is always ready to serve coffee at a moment's notice"