Tuesday, July 25, 2006

New Beginnings for Old Bisbee Roasters!

Twenty days have passed since the website move, and I want to thank everyone. I've received positive feedback and lots of help along the way.

Members of the Roasters Dozen Club have been entered into the new system automatically with your original password.

If it's been a month since you last placed your previous order, please remember to log in the first time as a new customer and set a password. Remember, this is NOT the old web site, and you will have to create a new user ID and password your first visit.

THIS WEEKS NEW COFFEE Received 7/24/2006

Flores Bajawa
$12.00 per pound Received 7/24/2006
Flores is part of the Indonesian archipelago, located between Java and Timor. The coffee is sweet, full- bodied and Java-like. This coffee produces a black cup of sweet liquorice, very clean, thick and syrupy. I was informed this was an extremely rare opportunity, almost certainly a "one time buy" of this exotic rare coffee.

Papua New Guinea Kimel X
$12.00 per pound Received 7/24/2006
Our first taste of this year’s New Guinea. This is a drier, spicier Indonesian coffee. It’s a clean, earthy coffee with a snap. There's more velvet with a thick finish and very little sweetness, nor fruit.

El Salvador Santa Rita
$12.00 per pound Received 7/24/2006
Salvador coffee produces a consistently clean yet earthy cup with a deep, rich black peppery finish. This coffee is loved for it's dark, earthy roasts, and spicy, clean, crisp finish. If there were ever a coffee that was "like a good cigar" it would be the Salvador from Santa Rita!

Guatemala Huehuetanango Huixoc
$12.00 per pound Received 7/24/2006
A single-farm coffee from Huixoc in Huehuetanango, this Guatemalan coffee is less sweet, deeper, darker in color and body, Very creamy, very solid, with just a hint of the sweetness that gives the high grown Guatemalan such complexity. A great coffee that complements the sweeter African coffee in the shop this month, distinctively different in style from the heavy Indonesians we are seeing now as well.

Sumatra Mandheling
$12.00 per pound Received 7/24/2006
This month's offering from Sumatra has less of a "musk", and more of the solid Indonesian body found in a "clean" coffee. Dry and earthy, this is no sweeter lightweight coffee! If you 've been drinking Sumatra with me this year, we’ll have run the full spectrum, from thick, sweet syrup to heavily musked, dirty earth. This is a lighter, more easygoing version of a great classic.

Decaf Coffee:
There's three choices for Decaf that cover a range of possibilities:

Sulawesi Royal Select Water Process Decaf
$12.00 per pound Received 7/24/2006
Smooth Indonesian coffee, this Decaf has a clean earthy taste in a solid, dark coffee. Delicious hot or iced, this coffee is dry, not sweet; earthy, yet clean for a solid dark roast.

Ethiopian Natural Decaf
$12.00 per pound Received 7/24/2006
Natural coffee is an unwashed, wild grade of bean. Often sweet, sharp and fruity, this is a top shelf Harar that is water processed in Germany. When I talk Decaf, this is our "signature product" - the standard by which I judge all decaffeinated products for quality and flavor.

Tanzania Peaberry Natural Decaf
$12.00 per pound Received 7/24/2006
A mild, washed African Peaberry, this coffee has the sweetness of African coffees, in a milder, spicy form. Almost Kenya-like in its profile, this Tanzania Peaberry has a soft finish that makes for a mild medium-bodied coffee.

Have a wonderful summer everyone! Be sure and get out and enjoy the best summer has to offer before the fall season sets in. It will be "back to school" in the blink of an eye!

--Seth Appell - your personal coffee roaster!
"a gentleman is always ready to serve coffee at a moment's notice"