Monday, November 17, 2008

Rare Harar for Your Thanksgiving Celebrations!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and we are roasting one thousand pounds of stunning Ethiopian Harar. Celebrated as the birthplace of coffee and the origin of Arabica beans, the agricultural realities of Harar are so primitive that when there is a good crop the coffee is rare indeed. This year we have been gifted with the favorable conditions necessary for the harvesting, drying and endless hand-sorting required. Now you can enjoy Ethiopian Harar that lives up to it's mythical reputation.

New coffee received 11/17/2008!


New Coffee Availability List:

4 Pack Samplers NOW $26.00 for a Limited Time!
Try your roaster's favorite 4 coffees!
Today's 2lb. sampler contains these seasonal specialties:

1/2lb Ethiopian Harar Horse
1/2lb Brazilian Mogiana Cocapec
1/2lb Panama Boquete Classico
1/2lb El Salvador Cerro las Ranas


Ethiopian Harar Horse
Received 11/17/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
Ethiopia Harar is one of the great and distinctive experiences of the coffee world. The arabica tree originated across the Red Sea in western Ethiopia, on high plateaus where country people still harvest the wild berries. Harar is a dry-processed coffee, the simple, rustic method where the ripe red coffee cherry is picked from the tree and put out in the sun to dry, fruit and all. Often, the fruit is allowed to dry directly on the tree. It turns raisin-brown, then dries so the hard shell of fruit skin, mucilage and parchment shell can be torn from the green seed in one step.

The result is wild, fruity, complexly sweet, with a slightly fermented aftertaste. You will taste blueberry jam, cocoa, and maybe even a touch of cinnamon and cardamom in these amazing coffees. Ethiopia dry-processed Harar posesses wild cup flavors and brilliantly acidy with rough, fruity or winy tones.

Brazilian Mogiana Cocapec
Received 11/17/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
This pulped natural Mogiana coffee has been processed through the Cocapec Cooperative. The pulped natural drying method results in a beverage that is sweeter than wet-processed coffees yet can only occur in countries where the humidity is low and the coffee can be dried rapidly without fermenting. Brazil has made this method famous and produces some of the best pulped-natural coffees in the world. All twenty winners of the Gourmet Cup competition in Brazil in 2000 processed their coffees using the pulped natural method.

Grown on the slopes of the "Serra da Mantiqueira", Brazilian Mogiana is a sharp, sweet cup of earthy black velvet. There is a pleasant fruity aroma which matures with sweet berry-like accents. Great in espresso, either as a base for a blend or as a stand alone, the taste is sweet, well balanced, with good body and a nice aftertaste.

Panama Boquete Classico
Received 11/17/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
Coffee from Panama has won the international cupping contest during seven of the last 11 years. Three times the winner was Cafe Ruiz, located in the Boquete valley. Boquete is situated in the rainforest of the fertile western highlands of Panama. Panama's coffees are known for their honey-like sweetness and nutty cups. This month we are roasting a Casa Ruiz micro lot coffee from the Victor Venado Family.

This is a prime example of Panama coffee, rich and smooth in the cup with lots of character. "Boquete Classico" has a sweet aroma, with peppery almond undertones. You'll find The first sip reveals a toffee sweetness, caramel and pear-toned fruit notes, with a hint of cedary warmth, notes of honey on the finish and a pleasant lingering aftertaste.

El Salvador Cerro las Ranas
Received 11/17/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
Grown in Santa Ana, El Salvador between the Apenaca and Ateno mountain ranges, the farm takes its name from a lagoon that is populated by thousands of frogs (Cerro Las Ranas means Hill of the Frogs). Ripe red cherry is picked and milled in a process that is becoming more and more common throughout Central America. The cherry is processed normally and the coffee is then immediately sent to the clay drying patios still covered in the sweet mucilage where it is laid out, raked and turned to ensure even drying. This process (called Pulped Natural or Honey) imparts a subtle sweetness and fruit note, lending an atypical complexity to the cup. You will find hints of berry, lemon, and citrus flavors with a distinct caramel chocolate undertone here, along with the earthy flavors inherent to the region.

Guatemalan Palo Alto Azul
Received 11/03/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
"Palo Alto Azul" is produced 25 kilometers from the city of Guatemala on the Finca Agua Tibia (Farm of Lukewarm Water) near Fraijanes at an altitude of 5,000 feet above sea level. The highest standards of quality control are used in preparing and exporting "Palo Alto Azul". Even though fewer coffee beans are produced the farmers insist on honoring the "old traditional ways" without the use of machinery, so the quality is not compromised and the ways of 150 years of history is preserved. It is a diverse farm, with a dairy, and ornamental plant nursery, and in fact 75% of the land is set aside as a nature preserve. The coffee beans are farmed under humid conditions and washed utilizing clean mountain stream water. After a 36 to 40 hour period of fermentation, the beans are then naturally sun dried. The quality of the coffee is preserved by utilizing an all natural process.

Guatemalan coffee is revered as one of the most flavorful and well balanced coffees in the world. This year the coffee lives up to my expectations. There are a lot of spicy notes in the cup: clove, nutmeg, mulling spice. I get clean bittersweet chocolate roast notes, aromatic cedar in the finish, and a nice amount of bittersweet chocolate in the finish.

Peruvian FT Organic Perunor S.A.C.
Peru Organic, Fair Trade, Shade Grown
Received 11/03/2008
Perunor S.A.C. assists micro-farms located in the eastern foothills of the Andes where the agriculture and tropical forest are extremely bio-diverse. Thanks to the direct relationship Perunor has with specialty importers, education and financial motivation are given to farmers in order to permanently improve the quality of coffee and life itself for subsistence farmers. The average land-holding farmer lives on two or three hectares, hours away from the comforts of electricity and running water. Peruvian coffee farms are small, however the country's typical micro-wet-milling operation is even smaller. From May to September, farmers pick ripe cherries and carry them to hand pulpers and wooden fermentation tanks. After processing their coffee, most farmers hike their beans by foot or mule into the nearest town--a trip that can take anywhere from 30 minutes to eight hours. On Saturdays, the plaza of the closest town becomes a buying and selling station for the surrounding remote coffee growers. Farmers sell their coffee and buy goods for their homes before heading back up the mountainous foot trails.

Certified Organic Peru Norte is a wonderful South American coffee: clean northern coffees are the mildest of Peru, often with a smoky, earthy flavor, full body and delicate sweetness. You will enjoy a a soft acidity, a very smooth medium body and a pleasing sweetness, finishing with subtle chocolate and nut aromas.

Sumatra Mandeling
Received 10/20/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
Mandheling is the Indonesian ethnic group most involved in coffee production in the South Tapanuli region of Indonesia. Traditional Sumatra coffee sports a heavy body that is well known for its excellent balance and acidity. Most often it is the picking, preparation and processing that determines the character of a fine Sumatra coffee.

Heavy, dark, musky, earthy - Sumatra drinkers are looking for the big flavor punch. This Sumatra is a superb coffee, very clean and powerful, with no imperfections whatsoever in the green beans or the roasted flavor.


Decaf Availability List:

Sumatra Natural Decaf
Received 9/22/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
Water decaffeination brightens the flavor of this traditionally dried, musky Sumatra to deliver a unique coffee that is shocking, heavy and unmistakably Indonesian in its earthy body. Trying this new coffee is an absolute must for the discriminating Decaf Aficionado.

Guatemalan Decaf Huehuetanango
Received 9/08/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
Our Guatemalan Water Processed Decaf is produced from the same high grown Huehuetanango coffee roasted here in the shop. True to its origin, this is an intensely complex coffee, while still medium in body. There are days I honestly can not taste the difference between this Decaf and its caffeinated counterpart. Simply stunning quality!

Papua New Guinea Decaf
Received 8/25/2008 1lb. bag $12.99
From the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea, grown in the Wahgi River Valley. This Kimel offers a taste of caramel, cream, and rounded out with an undertone of a cappuccino flan flavor - an intriguing, hearty Indonesian Peaberry. You will find this coffee has tons of body with a touch of sweetness; heavy, but finishes clean and smooth.


Are you, or someone you know eligible for our Public Service Employee Discount? the complete details of our Public Service Employee Discount are available online.

Receive 2 lbs delivered for just $20.00 nationwide or APO

If you have friends or family that work a Public Service job, or retired from public service, please let them know our discount is available to them all season long!


I believe in delivering genuinely warm service and a stunning product. As always, orders of at least two pounds are always SHIPPED FREE. Orders received before 1:00pm will be roasted to order and shipped while still warm the same day.

If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your coffee, I will replace your order or refund the cost of your coffee without question.


Contact our support team -

Call our our ordering desk toll free 866.432.5063,
or call 520.432.5063 to speak with me personally at any time.

--Seth Appell - your personal coffee roaster!
"a gentleman is always ready to serve coffee at a moment's notice"