Thursday, November 27, 2008

Comments from Our Fans!

Happy thanksgiving everyone! I thought this morning would be a good time to give my thanks to everyone who has left feedback for us here at the shop. Below is a collection of emails that we have received over the year from You all. Have a Wonderful Holiday weekend!



I would like to start off my email, by saying that I was never a huge
coffee drinker. My sole "good" coffee experience was getting instant
cappucinos at the local convenience store on the way to work in the
morning. I was talking to a friend online, and he had recommended your
coffee. I told him that "there''s no way, I hate coffee", he said
"listen, just get some, you''ll be hooked" and he recommended El Salvador
Cerro las Ranas to try.

I ordered 2 bags, one for a gift (I have a real big coffee drinking in
my family) and one for myself, both of the Cerro las Ranas.

The order came today (2 days after ordering, which is amazing). I
thought the personalized label was a very nice touch as well.

The smell from the package was heavenly, but that is always the case
with coffee, I love the smell, hate the taste. I put a pot on for my
girlfriend and myself after dinner. Once again, brewing smelled amazing,
but that''s always the case with me.

Being a wine and cigar enthusiast as well, I decided to try it "black"
first, as to not dampen any of the flavor in the coffee you were so
proud of. Holy jesus man! I drank a few sips, and my jaw just dropped.
Such a fine, fine tasting blend. I was in love. I had 3 cups worth, and
loved every single minute of it.

Thank you again, for such awesome coffee, and an awesome business, keep
it up, you''ve gained my orders, and I''m going to take some in to work
with me everytime I get a new bag and try to convince others to try it
as well.

Thank You

Alan-PA 11/08


I discovered you on a recent trip to Bisbee. Since I am a Sumatra Mandeling
drinker I decided to try yours. What a surprise!
This is the best I have ever tried. This is exactly what I have been
searching for in a Sumatra taste. This one really lives up to its
description. You hooked me as a regular customer at the first sip. I can
assume that the rest of your coffee offerings are equally superior. And
overnight delivery to me in Phoenix is certainly a plus.

Thank you. I¹m sure glad I found you.

Theron-AZ 10/08


Dear Old Bisbee Roasters,
I just ordered coffee from your website and I wanted to let you know it was the easiest, professional website I have used. Thank you!

Cari-AZ 10/08


Dear Mr. Appell,

I just wanted to say again how much we just love your coffee. You have
really improved the quality of our lives, and I am serious about that. Your
coffee is a dependable superlative that we get to enjoy every day, and we
are very grateful. I know it is a LOT of work, what you do, and just want
to make sure you know what a wonderful thing you are doing for us and for
all your customers.

Rachel-NC, 10/08


Thanks for processing my order so swiftly. My mail carrier doesn''t want to
give up my package because it makes his delivery vehicle smell heavenly! My
house smells like fresh coffee all the time.

Emma-WA, 10/08


I want you to know that I LOVE YOUR COFFEE! Also, I have been very pleased with the service, it''s really
awesome to have coffee show up in my mailbox that was roasted just for
me and even has my name on the label.

Kimberly-AZ, 10/08


Thank you so much for the personal service. The coffee arrived in record
time and it is FABULOUS!! I have already referred friends to your site and
raved about your prompt and personal service.

Thank you again and I''ll be back soon!
Erin-AZ 09/08


Coffee arrived in less than 48 hrs. Amazing. Roasted to perfection. Awesome.
Thank you.

Philip-CA 09/08


Hello Seth,
Hi, I just wanted you to know I love your coffee, and I am very pleased my brother turned me on to it. When your coffee arrives in our small post office the whole place smells of fresh roasted beans.

Also, when my sister mention you called to say thanks, well I just love that personal touch!

Keep up with the yummy coffee.

Jennifer-CO 08/08


I have been ordering from you for several years now and am
consistently impressed with both your skill at assessing and
recommending different beans as well as your perfection roasting (my
term). I have a question. Two coffees stand out in my history with
you. One is the Ethiopian Red Sea, the other is (recent) Horse Harar.
I have also been impressed with the huehuetanango coffees (several
different ones). With this in mind, is there any particular bean that
you would recommend for me to try out based on these preferences? I
just ordered some this morning but wanted to hear from you regarding
future orders. You are the best! I have tried (literally) 100''s of
pounds of beans in the past years and you have the knack for
selecting and roasting the best coffee ever to pass my lips! Bravo,
my friend.

Jeffrey-AZ 07/08



Just wanted to take this opportunity to say hello again! I''ve been buying your coffee on line for several years now. I''ve been cutting out and keeping the packaging labels with the coffee name and the roasting date, and I can''t believe how many pounds of coffee my wife and I have used over the past few years! It''s still as wonderful as ever. Half the enjoyment is picking it up at the mailbox and experiencing the aroma of the fresh roasted beans. I also wanted to say thank you for being so nice and trusting. We just experienced a problem with an expired credit card. You notified us and were so nice and understanding. I hope to make it to Bisbee some day to say hello personally.

Larry-CA 07/08



Thank you for expeditiously handling my order. Great coffee. Great service. Great people. Wow! Take care

Don-OK 07/08


You are unbeleivable. My coffee was in my mailbox TODAY! Thanks for your super fast service.
Paul-AZ 07/08


I told my wife just now, as I was completing my latest
order, "not only does he carry a great product, but
he''s so easy to do business with".... Good job, Seth.
I''m glad we stumbled on you when we were on vacation
in AZ in March of ''06.

Fred-CT 06/08


Got the coffee last night, it''s wonderful! Thanks for shipping it so
Dianna-CT 06/08


ahh... the aroma wafting from the mailbox. The delight in opening the
package and inhaling the scent of beans roasted yesterday, delivered today.
The pleasure of grinding the beans, brewing a fresh cup this morning at 4:30
a.m., and then taking off for a relaxing four mile run as the sun rises
before the desert heats up. Thank you Seth, for a quality product and
outstanding service. Be well and healthy and happy!

Maria-AZ 06/08


Good morning. We came out to Bisbee in April and just happened to stop
in, at your beckoning welcome, for a "free" shot of espresso. Man, what
an experience. I DID NOT drink that stuff until served by you. It was
GREAT and we purchased some of your coffee which was also great and will
be ordering soon.

Thanks for your kindness.



Hi Seth,

We were in Bisbee this past weekend and purchased your 4 pack
sampler as we've been fans of your coffee every time we visit. Guess we have
to get used to getting online and ordering on a regular basis! Your coffee
is superb, need we say more.
Thanks again and it''s always great to see you in the artists alley.

Christina-Az 05/08
