Friday, October 15, 2004

Truffles, anyone?

It's finally cold enough here in Bisbee to begin producing our handmade truffles in the front of the shop - I was introduced to a new chocolate this month, a single origin chocolate produced in Colombia. Our first truffle of holiday season '2004 is Spiced Rum, raisin & Colombian chocolate - served with free espresso!

Also new this year, I am working with the only "no sugar added" chocolate imported from Belgium, to create a selection of chocolates sweetened with maltitol. Not satisfied leaving well enough alone, I've blended this chocolate with my secret ingredient - the 99% dark, unsweetened chocolate Imported by Sharfenburger. This produces a truly bittersweet dark "no sugar added" confection safe for low sugar diets.

I should be ready to add chocolates to the website as I've produced half a dozen recipes of liquor and fruit flavored chocolates.

--Seth Appell - your personal coffee roaster!
"a gentleman is always ready to serve coffee at a moment's notice"